Thursday, October 31, 2024

and another one

I just finished Pearl Harbor, and maybe I'm just a huge baby, but I don't think I've ever cried more over a movie in my entire life. It's not just because it's a painstakingly long movie, either. No, I cried because I felt like I could relate, and I probably can't, but I can't ever have kids, and the part where Evelyn sleeps with Riev but then Danny a month later, and doesn't get morning sickness until after she sleeps with Danny, but it's Riev's baby, doesn't make sense to me. Idk, I guess there's Hollywood for ya. But this is supposed to be a love letter to my Papa, whom I think joined the Navy because that was his life-long goal, seeing as he was a baby when Pearl Harbor happened, but idk. I love you Papa John 💕