Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Dear Vance~ 9/3/24

It sounds like there's a fuckin hurricane outside. I have so many questions for you, still. Some days I just live my life, and don't think about you, at all, but other days, like today, you're all I think about... Take good care of Jake Irving, k? I don't know what the whole story there is; if it was on purpose or an accident, but he's probably so lost. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, and say it was an accident, but he must have been even more depressed than you were, and you would frequently come over, behind Savannah's back, to get a different kind of high by making out with me. You're the whole reason I don't drink. Yeah, my liver is already overwhelmed from all the medications I'm prescribed, but I remember the taste of whiskey on your lips. Which is a stab in the heart, if there ever was one. I've now come to realize that getting high and/or drunk was a prerequisite for you kissing me, and if that doesn't murder my self-esteem... 
Remember how I told you that you're a trendsetter? Well, be that as it may, slide over because if anyone deserves to preside over the LP Suicide Squad, it's Jake.
I still love you, Vance.

Hey, it's me

Dear Grandma Sandy~
You would be so proud of me, I made asparagus. I was ready to make it in a pan with butter and salt, but I was at Erik's parents' place in Alpine and they had a steamer, so I used that. I miss you Grandma.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Brian Jacob Irving~

Unfortunately, Jake, this is the only picture I have of you. It's not even a very clear one. I wish I had taken a picture with you when I saw you at the reunion in July. Brian Jacob Irving, I'm late to the game, but I have always, always loved you. Maybe if I had told you that earlier, you'd still be here. Maybe I'm feeling survivor's guilt. Maybe it was an accident. But I wish I would have told you before it was too late. I love you. God be with you, wherever you are.
I literally cannot handle anymore death.

Friday, April 10, 2020

4/10/20 Shawna K.

Dear Shawna~

I never met you, but, man, do I wish I would have. From the tidbits Wendi tells me, you sound lovely. Speaking of Wendi, she has some words for you:

Dear Mom~
I liked all of your funny memories, but my favorite was the 100 lb. butt one. Then, before I would go to bed each might, you would tell me to dream of cute boys. You worked in the Draper temple on weekends and you would always bring home donuts after. I loved that. You had a lot of Faith in the Savior, and cherished your personal testimony. You served a mission. I aspire to be just like you when I grow up. You were always trying to be healthier, despite the doughnuts haha I love you, Mom. Can't wait to see you again!

Friday, April 3, 2020


Billy Joel said it best: only the good die young. I am so sorry. I love you.
Love, me

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dear Lone Peakers~

The holidays have begun.
Which isn't to say, "Go kill yourself."
No, please, if you are ever contemplating suicide, just know that the group of LP kids is already too full. Give me a call and I won't try to talk you out of it, but help you find new reasons to keep living.
We could be best friends.
I'm just saying.
Suicide is NEVER the answer.
Kirsten King (385) 219-8221

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Dear Aaron~

I miss you.
I'm glad you still have your Facebook account, so that I can still post on your wall.
I feel like God took you from us way too soon, but I realize He needed you more than we did.
That doesn't make it hurt any less.
I've lost quite a few of my friends,
You being my biggest fan, the one that I knew I'd have through eternity.
I know I'll still have you for forever,
But it feels different when you're not still here.
Have I mentioned that I miss you?
♥ Kik