Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dear James~

I know you're not dead but you're gone and I can't handle that. Do you want me to list all the things you're good for again? Will that make you come back? No? Crap. I'm a little lost then. I know we're just trying to be friends now but I don't know if I can do that. I'm going to list the things you're good for/at anyways.
1: you're good at video games (maybe too good. Where's your ambition?)
2: you're good at working at DI (again, do you have no ambition?)
3: you're really, really, very good at breaking my heart
4: you're good at leading me on (how long have you felt this way?)
5: you're good at making me feel like you love me
6: you're really good at making me cry
7: you're really good at confusing me
8: you were really good at being patient with me
9: you're really good at knowing what you want (unfortunately that's not me)
10: you're very, very good at making me feel like I'm not wantable
11: you're very good at saying we'll be friends and then not being my friend
12: I like how you know you don't have the self control to be around me and my family tomorrow, at least you know your limits
13: you're good at not telling your mom things
14: you're good for knowing that I'm just upset and that I don't mean any harm
That's all I can really think of right now. I'll let you know if I think of anymore nice things to say.

                                                                      ♥ Kik

Monday, March 7, 2016

Dear Aaron~

I know quite a bit of time has gone by since you died. I'm sorry that it's taken me so long. I was just talking to your dad and thinking about you. The night you died, I had the strangest dream. Strange because I don't typically remember my dreams and a little strange because of what you told me. You told me to tell our family you were okay and that you were preparing your immediate family's mansion above. The exact words you said to me were "somebody's got to do it and it might as well be me." I have always looked up to you and now I look up to you even more for coming to that conclusion, not only do I look up to you but I respect you for it. That was a very brave thing. I definitely couldn't have done it, we've already discovered that. Joel asked me to write this down and you know how I struggle with writing, so this will have to be good until my fine motor skills get better. I love you so much.

                                                                   ♥ me